
From Bréhémont to Bourgueil - Thursday June 20, 2024

We invite you to (re)discover the forests and forest plantations of western Touraine.

The researchers involved in Plantaclim project will share with you their research methods, results and discoveries, particularly in terms of plant biodiversity (vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens) and entomology.

The day will also provide an opportunity to exchange views with local stackeholders who are Plantaclim partners: ONF, FiBois, Communauty of communes (federation of municipalities) Touraine Ouest Val de Loire (setting up a forest charter)...



- subnatural woodlands and poplar plantations at Bréhémont, between Indre and Loire

- sawmill of Touraine

- lunch in the forest

- test plantation of ONF (national forest office)

- maritime pine plantations and oak forests in Bourgueillois

- Bourgueil wine tasting


Departure from Tours: 8 a.m. - Return around 6 p.m.

Registration: 30 euros (lunch, wine tasting and transport included)

Please bring hiking shoes (or boots).


Update May 7, 2024:

We are having difficulty finding an available bus. We would be grateful if anyone with a car could come forward to carpool: we will reimburse their expenses. Contact: amelie.robert@u-picardie.fr



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