June 18 events

Socio-poetic readings - in connection with the show Plonger

Tuesday, June 18, 5.20-5h50 pm

Plonger is an aerial, sound and moving performance by the Exuvie company, designed to circulate words around trees and forests. As part of this performance, the two artists gather testimonials from trees. 
They will be in Tours on June 18 to present The socio-poetic readings, a series of tree-related words, which have been collecting in various territories of France over the past year. 




Exposition photographique

Tuesday, June 18, 5.50-6h20 pm

Discover the forest plantations and subnatural woodlands studied as part of the Plantaclim project, through photos taken by photographer Christophe Le Toquin.

Through these photographs, he gives us his artist's point of view, drawing our attention to details that may escape us in the field, revealing these plantations from another prism.

The photographs were taken at study sites selected for the project.

Beyond this dedicated time, they will be on view throughout the symposium.





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