Scientific committee
- Frédéric Archaux, ecology, INRAE, Nogent-sur-Vernisson, France
- Laurent Bergès, ecology, INRAE, Grenoble, France
- Tchaa Boukpessi, geography, University of Lomé, LARBE, Lomé, Togo
- Jérôme Buridant, geography, University of Picardie Jules Verne, UMR EDYSAN, Amiens, France
- Roland Cochard, ecology, University of Lausanne, Faculty of geosciences and environment, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Guillaume Decocq, ecology, University of Picardie Jules Verne, UMR EDYSAN, Amiens, France
- Philippe Deuffic, environmental sociology, INRAE, Bordeaux, France
- Yann Dumas, ecology, INRAE, Nogent-sur-Vernisson, France
- Marc Galochet, geography, Polytechnic university Hauts-de-France, LARSH, Valenciennes, France
- Adrien Guetté, geography, University of Tours, UMR CITERES, Tours, France
- Brahim Jaziri, geography, University of Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia
- Christian Kull, geography, University of Lausanne, Institute of geography and sustainability, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Jonathan Lenoir, ecology, CNRS, UMR EDYSAN, Amiens, France
- Bruno Locatelli, sciences de l’environnement, CIRAD, Montpellier, France
- Tatenda Mapeto, forest hydrology, Nelson Mandela University, George, South Africa
- Mikael Motelica-Heino, environmental geochemistry, Universitry of Orléans, ISTO, Orléans, France
- Amélie Robert, geography, University of Picardie Jules Verne, UMR EDYSAN; UMR CITERES, Amiens/Tours, France
- Aurélien Sallé, ecology, University of Orléans, P2E, Orléans, France
- Sylvie Servain, geography, INSA Centre-Val de Loire, UMR CITERES, Tours, France
- Tran Huu Nghi, forestry, Tropenbos Vietnam, Huê, Viêt Nam
Organizing committee
- Yann Dumas, INRAE
- Aurélien Sallé, P2E
- Séverine Fromiau, UMR CITERES
- Adrien Guetté, UMR CITERES
- Muriel Hourlier, UMR CITERES
- Félix Lefebvre, CESSMA
- Mouhamed Tebonou, UMR CITERES
- Francesca Di Pietro, UMR CITERES
- Evelyne Gauché, UMR CITERES